The Application Of Xenon As Xenon Brenner

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Xenon is 54. Xenon is a noble gas as it is found in the form of a gas at Standard temperature and pressure.

The credit for the discovery of Xenon goes to Morris Travers and William Ramsay in 1898 in London. This non metallic event was discovered as a residue matter remaining after fractionally distilling the liquid air. Xenon is said to have got its name from the Greek word ‘Xenos’.

Xenon is a noble gas, a non-metallic chemical element that has a rather shiny blue color.

Various Characteristics of Xenon

  • Xenon is a noble Gas
  • Xenon is Inert in nature, that is, it is non reactive and does not react with any other element under normal pressure and temperature.
  • Xenon has distinctive blue color that makes clearly visible from far off distances.
  • The oxides of the noble gas such as the xenon trioxide and xenon tetraoxide are highly explosive in nature.
  • The Glowing characteristic of this gas makes its application as Xenon Brenner

Different uses of the gas

Xenon, a noble gas is non-reactive in its nature. There aren’t many commercial use of the respective gas but the main use of Xenon is in the field of lighting. The characteristic blue color of the element helps with its applications in a number of Xenon Brenner such as lamps, bulbs, torches, or for the use in the research studies where the element is further treated with other metals and other elements in order to find a more descriptive explanation of the use of gas and its wide applications.

How to dispose the Noble Gas and reduce any kind of effect on the environment

Xenon though non- toxic in nature is still required to be disposed off in correct mannerism to avoid any kind of environmental degradation.

Xenon is a chemically inert noble gas that does not react with any other kind of chemical agents on normal temperature. It is recommended to contact the concerned waste disposal authorities in order to learn the correct disposable measures. The local rules and regulations regarding the disposing off the respective element that the federal rules and regulations of the same.

You can dispose the element by letting it pass through sealed ventilating pipes to remote areas.  It is highly requested not to try and dispose off the gas in the original gas cylinders. Make sure to return these cylinders to the concerned supplier with the valve tightly closed.

Xenon when discovered by Morris Travers and William Ramsay as a residue of fractional distillation of liquid was seen in a shades of blue color in a gas state at standard pressure and temperature. It is also used as a glow light for torches and lamps its specialized use in some light sources differentiates it from other elements used for similar purposes. The gas is used as Xenon Brenner for photographic flashes, projection of motion pictures and in the production of ultraviolet lights by high pressurizing arc lamps.


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