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To survive you have to be forefront in the competition and it is very good if you abreast with latest innovations and technological advancements as this is the way you could maintain a lead over others and be successful to as knowing the pulse of the consumer and how he/she would react at particular content or image and delve further into you’re your other pages or get out to find something else, to keep them connected you have to track, know and work on it. One can analyze website performance by visiting

Tips for website optimisation

  • You have strive for image optimisation
  • The reduction of HTTP requests will be helpful.
  • It has to seen that JavaScript and CSS will should be reduced.
  • Use of critical and render blocking services.
  • Decreasing latency by the use of CDN.
  • You have to use TTFB.
  • Try to let go of 301 redirects
  • Use of caching
  • Prefetch and preconnect to be used.
  • HTTP/2
  • Serve scaled images
  • Hotlink protection
  • Database optimisation
  • Web font performance
  • Enabling Gzip compression
  • Infrastructure
  • Fix 404 errors
  • PHP7 and HHVM

Now we shall see how the above terms make sense:

  • Compressing the image in such a way that it does not lose its credibility.
  • The HTTP server requests load the server and reduce the speed.
  • Minifying the script is reducing the number of unnecessary characters such as white space characters, new line characters etc. Sometimes loading from your site is slowed down hence should be from rendering block resources or critical path.
  • The content delivery network can be plagued by latency which has to be sorted out so it has to be integrated on all platforms.
  • TTFB is to measure the responsiveness of the web server. This is done by adding the HTTP request time, process request time and response time.
  • Avoiding redirects will cause wastage of load time and is loss for both the parties. Visit for more knowhow.
  • A domain name being prefetched will really be useful for the visitor to follow the link. And preconnect allows for setting up early locations.
  • Adopting the new HTTP/2 will give you greater advantage in optimisation.
  • Using PHP7 which can handle more requests per second. Even HHVM will help to give good results as it is an open source like VM.
  • Reduce the usage of other sources and use the local ones and reducing the number of characters also helps, use if absolutely necessary.
  • The hotlink protection will not allow others to embed your assets on their sites.And also allowing them to represent your website images in theirs.
  • Gzip helps to compress the content and helps for the optimisation of the page.
  • Infrastructure to serve the optimisation is also important so having a good web host is the key to have better optimisation.
  • A missing HTTP file will generate a 404 error which has to be solved.

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